Current lifestyle trends not only have impact on your systemic health but can also affect your teeth.one such example being discoloration of teeth due to habits such as smoking,soft drinks,hard drinks,tea and coffee drinking,betel nut chewing and many more...

These habits not only stain the tooth nut also tend to deplete the outermost and the most protective layer of enamel over your teeth; rendering teeth hypersensitive to cold,hot,sweet and sour sour foods in addition to change in color of the teeth.

So the question arises that can we achieve teeth whitening for these type of teeth???

The answer to this question is truely subjective.As one size of a t-shirt does not suit everyone. Clothes need to be customised.similar are the teeth whitening procedures and dental treatments because they need to be personalized according to the individual's needs.

Recent advancements in remineralizing agents and whitening methods can surely help to achieve a whiter, brighter and  confident smile along with a 

priceless confidence that's worth it.

So if you haven't visited your nearest branch of 32 pearls multi-speciality dental clinic for your pre-brightening evaluation please do visit.

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