Does a modern lifestyle affect your oral health????- 2

Pipe Smoking Or Hookah And Chewing Tobacco

Despite the statutory warning on tobacco products, people consume them daily. The frequency of intake is severe, as high as a normal person drinks water. Alteration of one's perception of taste, stains on teeth can be the disadvantages of tobacco chewing. This inflow of smoke in the oral cavity through pipe or hookah can be detrimental for your gums, hence inviting gum diseases, affecting overall immunity. It also leads to lung diseases. Smoking contributes to the highest risk factor for modern lifestyle disorders.

Irregular Sleep Cycle And Stress Levels

Gadgets and technology-driven lifestyles are directly or indirectly affecting our health. For example, long screen hours alter the sleep cycle hence affecting our physical health. Apart from this, stress levels also have a major role to play. The reason being that high stress levels can affect the joint (temporomandibular joint). Stresses can lead to the development of bruxism(a form of temporomandibular joint).

However, bruxism can lead to wear and tear of the hard and soft tissues of the oral cavity. In addition, loss of the hardest protective layer of the teeth (i.e., enamel) exposes the dentin, which can cause high sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Apart from this, oral muscles are also affected hence referring the pain to the head, causing heaviness of forehead. Ignorance of all these symptoms can lead to difficulty of function, pain, and continued discomfort, affecting your daily activities.

However, the only way to combat these problems is to alter the lifestyle. Choosing a healthier alternative to these habits can create a positive impact on one" s lifestyle. Including routine exercises, increasing the intake of fibrous foods and

Does a modern lifestyle affect your oral health????- 2

proper Maintainance of oral hygiene along with routine dental check-ups can help prevent these problems to a great extent.

However, other habits include: 

  • Pen/pencil chewing
  •  using teeth as tools 
  • Grinding teeth frequently 
  • Too much snacking/binge-eating 
  • Nail-biting
  • Brushing too hard 
  • Chewing on ice cubes 
  • Playing sports without mouth guards using teeth as tools 
  • Grinding teeth frequently 
  • Too much snacking/binge-eating 
  • Chewing on a pen or pencil 
  • Nail-biting 
  • Brushing too hard
  • Chewing on ice cubes
  • Playing sports without mouthguard

 Some tips for maintaining your oral hygiene: 

  • Routine dental check-up 
  • Tooth-brushing twice a day
  •  Using dental floss or water flosser 
  • Use mouthwash
  • Drink plenty of water 
  • Avoid midnight snacking.

For more information, log on to 32 pearls' dental website. We at 32 pearls multispeciality dental clinic and implant center specialize in imparting quality dental treatment with a smile of satisfaction for every patient.

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